T’au Cadre Fireblade D’yini 2

SHOWCASE: T’au Cadre Fireblade

The abandoned depot was a welcome shelter from the abrasive ruststorm that howled outside. The T’au vanguard had made camp amongst ancient manufactorum crates and now huddled together around the blue glow of their fusion-heaters. Hovering drones hummed and whirred around the perimeter, motes of dust dancing in their infrared beams. Shas’nel D’yini’s jaw was set sternly as she listened to the latest reports from her scouts.

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tau tetra yellow technasma 1

SHOWCASE: T’au Tetra (and tips for transfers)

Grit hissed and clattered off the hood of the small skimmer as it ploughed through billowing red clouds of oxide dust. The tandem craft buffeted like a leaf in a storm, jinking and swerving through a mangled sprawl of skeletal buildings and ducts.

Gales keened through the sector’s broken spires, stoking the rust clouds that threatened to choke the Tetra’s engine intakes. The spotter’s grip tightened on the craft’s side, scanning his holoscreen as his comrade doggedly steered towards the faint blip of the basecamp homing beacon. They had to tell the others what they’d seen…

Welcome back reader. This week we have a miniature I started in 2015 but only finished recently (some of our long-standing Instagram follower may even recognise it!). It is, of course, the beautiful T’au Pathfinder Tetra.

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Project Log: The Shining Path – T’au Empire

Here we stand on the brink of a golden dawn. In a universe of ancient tyrants, the destiny of our birthright burns unstoppably like a newborn sun. Illuminated by the Greater Good we shall blaze a shining path through the darkness.

In stark contrast to the grim darkness of the far future I love the naive optimism of the Tau. Having coveted them for a while, when the new releases came out I couldn’t help but jump on the band wagon and pick up some kits for a new project! Continue reading